Pinpoint Biologics Zoom Calls for the week

Tuesday, September 3, Group Zoom Call Schedule:

  1. Required - Pinpoint Biologics Next Step call - How to book a call / talk to a Doctor

Tuesday, September 3, 1:00pm

Meeting ID: 822 5011 8467
Passcode: 365560

2. Pinpoint Biologics education call / Stem cells - exosomes

Tuesday, September 3, 6:00pm est

Meeting ID: 872 9695 4961
Passcode: 424169

Learn the science behind Stem Cell / Exosome therapies.

Wednesday September 4 Group Zoom Call Schedule:

Pro Players Business / Stem Cell/Exosomes What's in it for you

  1. Wednesday, September 4, 6:00pm est

Meeting ID: 879 9298 2794
Passcode: 180383

We will walk you through our Pinpoint Biologics opportunity: what it is, who we are looking to connect with, and what's in it for you.

This opportunity is red hot right now with reps getting involved and setting up sales calls for the Pinpoint team.